Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, a young scholar was attending studies to be able to educate and guide a new generation of young children when something most peculiar happened. In a special course designed to help young scholars use the ultimate powers of a magical box, we called ’’the computer’’ (an electrical contraption used to give lectures to the young ones), something happened that will change the course of history for this young scholar.

The young scholars had a task to create an interactive learning material on the above-mentioned electrical contraption. One of the scholars has made so many already, so she wanted to build the ultimate learning material where all of her thoughts and ideas can be collected and read for all who may cross her path. The ultimate learning material was called ’’a website’’.

The young scholar learned, worked, and failed, and kept learning, and worked until she finally succeeded and made the ultimate learning material. Upon presenting the material, she discovered that sometimes doing more than you were supposed to might have dire consequences.

The professor was confused as to why the young scholar made the ultimate learning material, why did she felt the need to share the crumbs of knowledge she acquired along the way, and how would that even help other young scholars. She exclaimed that if nothing can be taken from the ultimate learning material, it is useless. She also said that the name of the ultimate learning material is too long and that no one will ever remember it! The young scholar said that knowledge does not have to be taken in a literal way and that it will be taken by simply following the tiny crumbs of wisdom.

A weird word called ’’download’’ was used, I am not sure what it means to this day.

The young scholar was hurt and many other scholars in the auditorium laughed at her. She then went on her own journey and dedicated her time to venture onto the faraway land of Methodologyland. The young scholar is still on the journey, and because there are so many things waiting to be discovered, this journey is never-ending.

And that, my dears, is the untold story of Alice in Methodologyland.

Keep teaching, teacher!

Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are doing more than you should, because, let’s be honest – there’s no such thing like doing more than you should.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are not good enough, because you are more than good enough, YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

You are a brilliant teacher. You are a brilliant parent, sister, or brother. You always have something to share, no matter how young or inexperienced you are.

The origin story of Methodologyland pushed me into developing my career in ways no one has ever done, and I am truly thankful because it made me fight more and it helped me find a community of like-minded, brilliant, educators online.

We are here to help you find your own place in the ELT sky.

No knowledge is ever useless and YES, YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

Milica Alice Vukadin

Alice in Methodologyland founder

Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are doing more than you should, because, let’s be honest – there’s no such thing like doing more than you should.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are not good enough, because you are more than good enough, YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

You are a brilliant teacher. You are a brilliant parent, sister, or brother. You always have something to share, no matter how young or inexperienced you are.

The origin story of Methodologyland pushed me into developing my career in ways no one has ever done, and I am truly thankful because it made me fight more and it helped me find a community of like-minded, brilliant, educators online.

We are here to help you find your own place in the ELT sky.

No knowledge is ever useless and YES, YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

Milica Alice Vukadin

Alice in Methodologyland founder

Start your new classroom journey by following the rabbit all the way down to




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