Online volunteer oportunities for teachers

Hey, you, amazing teacher!

Yes, you – welcome to Methodologyland!

If you are a passionate educator, regardless of your teaching experience, education, age, location, or nationality – we welcome you!

Explore our online volunteer opportunities for teachers to see if there is something you can help us with. 

Technical volunteer openings FAQ

For each technical opening, we require 6 months of collaboration. 

We can provide an extensive recommendation letter at the end of your service, and also serve as a reference if a future employer needs more information. We also allow featuring all the created content in your professional portfolio.

The positions take up 3-4 hours per week, maximum, all depending on how fast the tasks are completed. Some tasks are timed due to their nature, and some tasks can be done at any day or time of the week.  Instagram Copywriter position is the one that takes more time since it covers the content for the whole month, done collaboratively.

We cannot provide training for these positions (at the moment), because we are a small, educational nonprofit, and we require someone with at least a bit of experience, regardless of age, nationality, religion, or any other descriptors. 

Current technical volunteer openings

- All places currently filled in -

Individual education volunteer openings FAQ

For each educational opening, we require 6 months of collaboration. 

We can provide an extensive recommendation letter at the end of your service, and also serve as a reference if a future employer needs more information. We also allow featuring all the created content in your professional portfolio.

We also allow reposting the content you created on your own website, but only if the reposted content is free since the original was shared with educators for free.

The positions take up 3-4 hours per week, maximum, all depending on how fast the tasks are completed. Some tasks are timed due to their nature, and some tasks can be done at any day or time of the week.  

When it comes to teacher mentoring and training positions, we require someone with at least a bit of experience, regardless of age, nationality, religion, or any other descriptors. 😊

When it comes to grant writing, webinar presenting, and educational content writing, we welcome even our colleagues without experience and students from faculties of education around the world, regardless of age, nationality, religion, or any other descriptors.

We want to help you build a career, and we can offer mentorship if you are passionate about a topic and you want to present it. 💜

Current education volunteer openings

General TEFL

Article author

Doing 1 general TEFL article per month, or doing a few articles whenever you have time - we are flexible!

TEYL theory

Article author

Doing 1 TEYL theory article per month, or doing a few articles whenever you have time - we are flexible!

Research briefs

Article author

Doing 1 research brief per month, or doing a few articles whenever you have time - we are flexible!

Interested in joining us?

We are always open to new ideas and projects. 

Message us if you want to:

  • Submit an article or an ESL material,
  • Be a mentor,
  • Be a teacher trainer,
  • Or share anything else related to teaching English to the little ones.

These online volunteer opportunities for teachers are just ‘boxes’. If there is anything you want to do, and you don’t see it listed, write to us, and we’ll be more than glad to make a special ‘box’ just for you. :)

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