Showing 51 Result(s)

TEYL 2 – Teaching Reading to Young Learners + Activities by Muhamedbegović Meliha

Hello, my dear colleagues! We have the honor to present a new series of academic articles that will explore teaching language skills to VYLs and YLs from the theoretical perspective, while also giving practical examples at the end of each article. We hope you will enjoy Meliha’s articles. Explore Meliha’s first article about teaching listening …

Digital Literacy vs. Digital Skills: Why Are They Important for Young Learners? by Noha Othman

Hello, our dear colleagues! This time we are going back to basics! Our next writer is Noha Othman, and she’ll share her thoughts and experience on digital literacy and digital skills. We’re often entangled in many learning apps, LMSs, and distance and blended learning teaching methods, and it’s easy to overlook some fundamental ideas. Does …

TEYL 1 – Teaching Listening to (Very) Young Learners + Activities by Muhamedbegović Meliha

Hello, my dear colleagues! We have the honor to present a new series of academic articles that will explore teaching language skills to VYLs from the theoretical perspective, while also giving practical examples at the end of each article. We hope you will enjoy Meliha’s articles. Let’s start with TEYL: Teaching listening skills There are …

What is the Postmethod Pedagogy?

Hello, my dear educators! Have you ever heard of postmethod pedagogy? The postmethod pedagogy presents a new view of the relationship between theory and practice. Kumaradivelu (2006) discussed the development of language teaching methods throughout the centuries. He stated that the methods developed from the language-centered methods to learner-centered methods, finally to learning-centered methods. Postmethod …

Climate Change Causes and Effects: Drawing a Scientific Model with Young Learners

In the last few years, my perspective on environmental education changed significantly. Before starting, I was focused on pollution and spreading awareness. Now, when it comes to climate change, my main focus shifted to deforestation as a cause for many other effects related to climate change, and I often discuss climate change with my young … 3 Strategies for Giving Efficient Feedback: Guest Post by Victor Mejia

3 Strategies for Giving Efficient Feedback: Guest Post by Victor Mejia

Hi, my dear colleagues! I am proudly presenting a new guest post by an amazing EFL teacher from El Salvador, Victor Mejia! He will share many practical examples and share some strategies for giving efficient feedback, along with screenshots. Enjoy! “What did the teacher write on your homework?”  I hated this question related to teachers …

The Macrostrategic Framework in Language Learning and Education: Do all Teachers Follow it?

Hi, my dear colleagues! Have you ever hear of the macrostrategic framework in education? If not, keep reading to see if you can recognize it in your eclectic teaching methods! All of the methods presented in this website fall into the category of the microstrategic framework. Kumaravadivelu (2006, pp 199-214) created the macrostrategic framework to …

The Participatory Approach to Language Teaching & Why Should You Use it

Hello, my dear colleagues! This article is an article in the series of articles related to language teaching methodology, associated with the participatory approach. What is the participatory approach to language teaching? The participatory approach is similar to content-based instruction, but the content emerges from the students’ answers and participation in this approach. What are …

FREE Online ELT Conferences with Certificates in 2021 (Regularly Updated)

Hello, my dear colleagues! Welcome to the post about free online ELT conferences. I will keep updating it as soon as I come across some new conferences for English teachers. For now, here are two free conferences with certificates organized by Oxford and MacMillan. Explore the schedules below and apply! Let’s explore some free online …

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