What are some digital competencies of educators needed for effective distance learning process? Explore this post to find out!
A bit about the conference from the ELTA page:
Drage koleginice i kolege,
Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da će stručni skup „Fantastično putovanje: Odredište digitalna učionica“ biti održan 27. juna 2020. na Univerzitetu Singidunum u Beogradu. Fokus skupa je na unapređenju digitalnih kompetencija nastavnika i učenika i upotreba informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija u realizaciji obrazovno-vaspitnog procesa.Predavači će prezentovati radove i iskustva iz domena:
projektne nastave, nastave stranog jezika na mlađem uzrastu, integrativne nastave, razvoja predmetnih i međupredmetnih kompetencija, razvoja veština 21. veka, kritičkog mišljenja i rešavanja problema kreativnosti u nastavi, međunarodnih programa razmene i saradnje, vrednovanja i samovrednovanja nastavnog procesa, tradicionalnih i savremenih pristupa nastavi stranih jezika.
The focus of the conference was on developing digital competencies in educators and promoting meaningful use of ICT in education.
The lectures and discussions were connected to:
- Project-based learning;
- Teaching young learners English;
- The development of intercurricular competencies;
- 21st-century skills;
- International exchanges and cooperation;
- Self-evaluation of the teaching process;
- Traditional and contemporary approaches to teaching foreign languages.

Abstract of my presentation
After the school closures due to COVID19, there was a sudden urge for emergency online teaching, and we organized interactive professional development training in a webinar format, to help teachers jump-start their online classrooms. A survey-based on The Cambridge English Digital Framework for Language Teachers scale was sent to participants to determine the level of their digital competences. The webinars touched the topics of distance learning theory, content creation tools, synchronous lesson tools, LMS (Learning Management Systems), lesson interactivity, formative assessment, and finally, flipped learning as one of the often-used distance learning methods. The lecture will be interactive, and the participants will receive a chance to join a digital teacher network, along with plenty of resources to help them in their online teaching journey.
Main problems in the distance learning process in Serbia
- Difference between distance learning and emergency remote teaching;
- No previous curriculum design;
- Trainings are hosted by individuals who never held even one online lesson or created a digital resource for content subjects;
- Low level of digital literacy and digital aesthetic among educators;
- Blaming the technology for all problems;
- Not being familiar with the pedagogy and methodology of online teaching.
Professional development program creation
The first training was titled Distance Learning in 10 Steps. After the first webinar, which was lecture-based, a survey was sent to all participants to distinguish their learning gaps when it comes to using technology in education. The survey used The Cambridge English Digital Framework for Language Teachers scale to determine the level of their digital competences. The scale was adapted to be used by all educators, not just language teachers.
The teachers’ competences were measured in the following aspects of the digital competences framework:
- Digital teacher;
- Digital classroom;
- Lesson preparation/activities using digital tools;
- Conducting a lesson by using digital tools;
- Evaluating the learning process by using digital tools.
As a result, I have developed webinar-based workshops based on the learning gaps of the educators who filled the survey. Read the reflection of webinar number 1 by clicking on Distance Learning Webinar (ELTA Serbia) reflection: Učenje na daljinu – refleksija webinar. For more details, read the article in the ELTA newsletter (pages 40-47).
Digital Competencies of Educators Needed for Distance Learning – Professional Development
To make the presentation more suitable for the presenters, I created 4 Mentimeters, and I let them select the topics they want to hear about. We had 4 trainings, so there was a lot of information. Next, they decided what do they want to hear about from the webinars. You can see the topics they were interested in below (the Mentimeters are embedded, along with the original feedbacks and presentation from each webinar).

Distance Learning 101: Digital competences in educators
Feedback učesnika nakon Distance Learning 101 webinara
O kom delu Distance Learning webinara želite da čujete više?
Content Creation Tools and Live Lesson Interactivity (Canva & Genial.ly)
Content Creation Tools feedback
O kom delu Content Creation & Lesson Interactivity webinara želite da čujete više?
LMS: Edmodo & Formative Assessment
O kom delu Edmodo & Formative Assessment webinara želite da čujete više?
Flip your Classroom to Promote Communication & Collaboration
O kom delu Flipped Learning Webinara želite da čujete više?
Flipped Learning Feedback
Some old-fashioned handwritten feedbacks for the digital competences for educators talk ♥
Since we are suddenly using a lot of digital tools, I decided to ask for feedback on my lecture by using post-it notes. This is the first feedback of my work I got on paper!

Some pictures from the conference
Here it is me, doing some sketch notes during the plenary lecture!
And here is another picture of me sitting next to a colleague. I must tell you. I love how my hair looks from behind! ?
Some snapshots participants took of my presentation! ?
Erasmus + training invitation on distance learning and digital competencies!
This course shows how can inspiring teachers integrate digital tools and various 21st-century skills such as creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and last but not least, digital literacy and digital citizenship of both students and teachers.
To conclude
The conference was amazing despite a low turnout because of Covid19. There were a lot of interesting presentations, and I found out about new courses PD I can take for free. I also met a lot of new people and got a new job offer! I also became a board member of the ELTA organization, so for me, the conference was a complete success! ????

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