Travel Guides by Young Bloggers 1: Italy, London & Paris

Travel Guide School Project Example 2: Young Bloggers Visiting Singapore, Hong Kong, and Paris

Hello, my dear colleagues, students, and parents! Last week I was a guest in Shavy’s classroom (Shavy’s English Hut) and we had an amazing lesson where the students learned how to write a tour guide for their favorite city through discussion, exploration, and collaborative writing. They have written articles about their favorite places in pairs … Travel Guides by Young Bloggers 1: Italy, London & Paris

How to Write a Travel Guide: Young Bloggers part 1 – Italy, London & Paris

Hello, my dear colleagues, students, and parents! Last week I was a guest in Shavy’s classroom (Shavy’s English Hut) and we had an amazing lesson where the students learned how to write a tour guide for their favorite city through discussion, exploration, and collaborative writing. They have written articles about their favorite places in pairs …

The Macrostrategic Framework in Language Learning and Education: Do all Teachers Follow it?

Hi, my dear colleagues! Have you ever hear of the macrostrategic framework in education? If not, keep reading to see if you can recognize it in your eclectic teaching methods! All of the methods presented in this website fall into the category of the microstrategic framework. Kumaravadivelu (2006, pp 199-214) created the macrostrategic framework to …

21st Century Skills and (Oral) Storytelling Activities: Get your Students Speaking

Hi, my dear colleagues! This post will be a reflection with a commentary about an excellent presentation from TESOL Spain 2021 titled 21st Century Skills and (Oral) Storytelling: Get your Students Communicating with various speaking activities done by Rebecca Lemaire. The speaker did not put the word ‘oral’ in the title, but I had to …

The Participatory Approach to Language Teaching & Why Should You Use it

Hello, my dear colleagues! This article is an article in the series of articles related to language teaching methodology, associated with the participatory approach. What is the participatory approach to language teaching? The participatory approach is similar to content-based instruction, but the content emerges from the students’ answers and participation in this approach. What are …

20 Websites with Free Interactive & Downloadable Materials (Worksheets & PPTs for Teachers

Hello, my dear colleagues! Here’s a super short post with not a lot of text. This collection of my favorite websites with free already made worksheets, presentations, videos, and games for teachers. I use these websites whenever I am in a rut and don’t have time to design my materials from scratch. In these teaching …

Engaging Young and Very Young Learners with Environmental Issues: British Council Teaching English Live

Hello, my dear colleagues! Have you ever tried to engage young learners with environmental issues? This post will summarize a presentation I held with Owain from ELT Sustainable on British Council Teaching English. The topic was Engaging your learners with environmental issues, and we presented 5 problems that occur in the classrooms and the practical …

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