Showing 3 Result(s)

Christmas Around The World: Home for the Holidays by Debbie Mumm Storytelling with a Class from India ??

Hello, my dear colleagues!In December 2020 I met an amazing teacher from India, Shavy, and she invited me to teach a lesson in her school. This post is going to share all the tasks (full lesson plan) for a storytelling lesson with a ‘Christmas around the world’ theme for young learners on a book titled …

From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom™

My dear colleagues, I developed training for educators titled From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Digital Competencies – Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom, with the support from Primera. The Erasmus+ program funds this training, and it is a combination of face-to-face and online learning. The training will be conducted in July …

On Eclectism and Other Exotic Fruit – An Interesting Review of Various (Best) Teaching Methods

We are constantly trying to improve our instruction and to add something fresh and new to our classroom. Unfortunately, sometimes we end up going in circles and pushing specific teaching innovations upon ourselves without having a clear idea where they will take us. There is no such thing as best teaching methods, but this review …

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