Showing 2 Result(s)

Teaching Large Student Groups Online – 10 Steps & Apps – A Complete Guide: Teenage and Adult Learners

Hello, my dearest colleagues! I have noticed a lot of questions and posts in all teacher groups about teaching online recently. These posts usually come from teachers who are forced to switch to distance learning quickly. I’ve been teaching online for more than 6 years, and I’ve developed, moderated, and taught courses with over 1000 students. Teaching …

Think Like a Teenager – 10 Methods and Activities to Motivate Teenage Learners

Teenagers can be notoriously difficult to motivate. Yes, that’s true. Instead of playing the blame-game and figuring out who is to blame for their lack of engagement, we should try to observe the world from their perspective. We were once teenagers, and we need to use that experience to engage and motivate our teenage learners. …

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