Showing 4 Result(s)

Think Like a Teenager – 10 Methods and Activities to Motivate Teenage Learners

Teenagers can be notoriously difficult to motivate. Yes, that’s true. Instead of playing the blame-game and figuring out who is to blame for their lack of engagement, we should try to observe the world from their perspective. We were once teenagers, and we need to use that experience to engage and motivate our teenage learners. …

Free Online Professional Development Opportunities (Courses and Webinars) for Teachers – Regularly Updated

Living in 2021 has many benefits, and the one that helps us educators is online learning. We can learn or teach online for the comforts of our homes for free! There are plenty of free online courses and webinars for teachers now! Professional development is a major aspect of my teaching practice. Learning about new …

Presenting at EdmodoCon in Miami 2019: From Blended to Distance Learning: Engaging Large Student Groups Online

Hello, my dear colleagues! I’m super excited to announce that I am presenting at EdmodoCon Miami 2019! My topic is connected to Blended Learning and engaging students online. Edmodo Con is a global professional development conference! You can attend it for free through your laptop or mobile device. Educators worldwide will share inspiring stories and …

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