Showing 8 Result(s)

Top 5 Challenges When Teaching English to (Very) Young Learners Online and How to Overcome Them

Hello, our dear educators! We are proud to announce our new partners, Bridge, and we are lucky to have them as our partners. We are preparing many interesting things for you, including some trainings that will be done in collaboration with Bridge in the upcoming months, but for now, we want to welcome Krzl Light …

Digital Storytelling with Young Learners – Preschool in the Cloud™

Hello, my dear colleagues! Storytelling, ICT and digital tools, preschool in the cloud™, young learners, and professional development are some of my favorite education words. So many people ask me about the professional development trainings I conduct. They ask how did I start, how they can begin their teaching training journey, and more. It takes …

An Open Letter to All Students: Key Tips for Students in the Distance Learning Process – Communication

How about some communication tips for students currently involved in distance learning? We always only discuss teacher communication. Maybe we should help students communicate better as well! This is an open letter to all of you, students, who are now immersed in distance learning. We know that this is happening too quickly, and we know …

How to Laminate With a Low-Waste? – Strategies for a Sustainable Classroom

Is it possible to laminate and still have a low-waste, sustainable classroom? Sustainability has become a very significant part of everyday curriculums. I=n my opinion, it should be even more important since we live in an age when we are witnessing the steady decline of various ecosystems, and unfortunately, a steady increase of pollution and …

”Cut Your Dreadlocks off if You Want to be a Teacher.” – From Job Interview Discrimination to Professional Success

I am entering the interview office. I am wearing a professional buttoned-up long sleeve shirt, my CV, and my teaching portfolio. My dreadlocks are completely tied up in a braid and are not noticeable. I am positive and talkative. What I don’t know is that I will probably face the worst teacher job interview discrimination in …

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