Showing 6 Result(s)

How Can we Promote Learner Autonomy in Young Learners?

Hello, my dear colleagues! I had the pleasure to be a co-presenter along with Vicky and Monika in a British Council live session about learner autonomy and young learners. The post below is a transcript of our Q and A session. Monika was the moderator and the questions the audience asked are bolded, for easier …

Successful Differentiated Assessment Activity Examples – Because One Size Does Not Fit All

Assessment represents a gray area for all teachers, especially differentiated assessment, so that this post will provide practical examples. We constantly fear that we haven’t fulfilled the learning objectives, and we ponder what we could have done differently. However, if we take a step back and think about it, we will conclude that we must individualize …

Contextual Grammar Teaching – Activities for Making Grammar Meaningful to Your Students

How do we develop a learning environment where grammar is learned through exploration without burnout? Keep reading, for example, activities of thematic contextual grammar activities that simultaneously develop the four language skills. Then, let’s see how we can apply contextual grammar teaching with some easy activities! What is contextual grammar teaching and what kind of activities …

Classrooms Without Borders = INTERCULTURALISM! Article of the Week on British Council

My article about classrooms without borders and interculturalism featured the week on the British Council! It discusses introducing different cultures to your classroom, along with some practical examples. Read the article below. Can we really spin the globe and jump in into the unknown in our classroom? Or has the administrative part of our job …

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