Showing 5 Result(s)

From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom™

My dear colleagues, I developed training for educators titled From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Digital Competencies – Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom, with the support from Primera. The Erasmus+ program funds this training, and it is a combination of face-to-face and online learning. The training will be conducted in July …

2nd Pan-European Conference on Distance Teaching: Learning from Best Practice by Primera – Reflection

Hello, my dear colleagues! Last week I presented at a distance learning conference organized by Primera that focused on sharing examples of good practice. Here is what they say at Primera about the objectives of their conference: Many teachers made distance teaching effective. Our role as the Erasmus+ courses provider is to make them visible. At Primera, we …

Distance Learning in 10 Steps ©: ELTA Webinar

My dear colleague Nevena Marković and I, together with ELTA, organized a webinar about distance learning in 10 steps for preschool teachers, primary and high school teachers. At one moment we had more than 500 people present! This post is a reflection of the webinar, and it presents the things we touched on in short. …

Presenting at EdmodoCon in Miami 2019: From Blended to Distance Learning: Engaging Large Student Groups Online

Hello, my dear colleagues! I’m super excited to announce that I am presenting at EdmodoCon Miami 2019! My topic is connected to Blended Learning and engaging students online. Edmodo Con is a global professional development conference! You can attend it for free through your laptop or mobile device. Educators worldwide will share inspiring stories and …

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