Showing 15 Result(s)

Can we Use Flipped Learning to Flip Professional Development?

A few weeks ago I participated in the FlipTech2020 conference with an interactive presentation on how to flip professional development. The whole conference used flipped learning as its main method. The presentations were shared a few days before, and then the participants came to a live Q and A session. Truly innovative and one of …

How Can we Promote Learner Autonomy in Young Learners?

Hello, my dear colleagues! I had the pleasure to be a co-presenter along with Vicky and Monika in a British Council live session about learner autonomy and young learners. The post below is a transcript of our Q and A session. Monika was the moderator and the questions the audience asked are bolded, for easier …

Flip your Classroom to Promote Communication and Collaboration (Flipped Classroom Examples)

Hello, my dear colleagues! I am currently working on research connected to the digital competencies of teachers in Serbia. As a final result, I planned 4 webinar-based trainings, and this specific training would showcase effective examples of the flipped learning classroom. The first training was titled Distance Learning in 10 Steps. After the first webinar, which was …

Formative Assessment Dos and Don’ts + Steps – 2nd Pan-European Conference

Hello, my dear colleagues! A couple of weeks ago, I presented at a distance learning conference organized by Primera that focused on sharing examples of good practice. The main part of my presentation was related to showcasing the proper steps for conducting an effective formative assessment. Here is what they say at Primera about the …

From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom™

My dear colleagues, I developed training for educators titled From Distance to Blended Learning Teacher Training: Digital Competencies – Developing your Digital Instruction from Top to Bottom, with the support from Primera. The Erasmus+ program funds this training, and it is a combination of face-to-face and online learning. The training will be conducted in July …

Setting up a Classroom or Teacher Training on an LMS (Learning Management System) – Edmodo (Teenagers) & Class Dojo (Young Learners)

Even though emergency remote teaching offers no time for conducting teacher professional development without pressure, that does not mean that you cannot still develop your online classroom flow in a matter of days. Keep reading this post to see how you can set up a classroom on Edmodo or Class Dojo. This post was originally …

Edmodo & Formative Assessment: ELTA Webinar Reflection

Hello, my dear colleagues! In this post, I will reflect on the Edmodo & formative assessment training I conducted last week with the support from ELTA. The first training was titled Distance Learning in 10 Steps. After the first webinar, which was lecture-based, a survey was sent to all participants to distinguish their learning gaps in using …

Mentor and a Mentee – Developing Together aka How to Be a Good Mentor?

Mentoring is not so common in most schools in our country, especially among young educators. The mentors we get are usually the formal ones – professors on our thesis or professional development instructors. But what happens when two young teachers enter the mentorship circle?  There is an eternal question we keep asking ourselves: How to …

Distance Learning in 10 Steps ©: ELTA Webinar

My dear colleague Nevena Marković and I, together with ELTA, organized a webinar about distance learning in 10 steps for preschool teachers, primary and high school teachers. At one moment we had more than 500 people present! This post is a reflection of the webinar, and it presents the things we touched on in short. …

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